We were at secondary school this last week for an outreach. Souls were saved and souls were encouraged. And we had a good time hanging out with our fellow believers and welcoming new people into the kingdom. I’m working on a short video to share about that day. I hope to have that done soon so you can have a look and see what it was like.
Also this week we’ve been talking with the SOM about living ethical lives,instead of moral lives. We acknowledge that the chief goal of man is to glorify God. And discussed how are we doing with that? Prayers for the SOM that they would be men of God and live ethical lives, bringing God that glory He deserves. And, that they would finish well, we’re getting down to a handful of weeks left in school. Prayers for them that they would be diligent to complete.
Coming up is Good Friday and we are going to plant the cross around 545pm Uganda time. I’m going to try to go live when we do that if you want to see. Then I’ll go live again on Sunday morning around 12pm to see it be brought back to life.
John Chitwood comes soon. Payers for his travel to get here and his time here to work on the vehicles and our into the people here. His wife will be coming a few weeks after that.
A Pastors conference is coming up, we’re hosting quite a few pastors on the compound.
The April round table is in a couple weeks. We’re talking about: is there worship God will not accept?
There’s a lot going on right now and even next Saturday we have a care team meeting. I think time has changed so remember we meet at 8:00 a.m. mountain time to do our monthly care team meeting. I hope to see your face and hear your voice, that’s so encouraging for me. Be on the lookout for the invite to that meeting.
God bless you guys, thank you for praying for us, and I’ll talk to you next week.

Pictured: Alan the scripture union leader

watch the video in YouTube https://youtu.be/-Hfkab3KnDs?si=7mh1mt2eM2kLdhTw